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Welcome to FOR THE LOVE OF VEG, we’re so glad you’re here.

FOR THE LOVE OF VEG is a project with a goal of sparking a lifelong love of vegetables in Aussie kids. Through primary school canteens and tuckshops, we can encourage kids to LOVE eating all kinds of vegetables!

How will FOR THE LOVE OF VEG support canteens? We are creating practical tools, resources and vegie-packed recipes to help canteens get more veg on the menu. A vegie-loaded menu means we can boost the amount of veg kids eat in a day!

Dig in to our expanding list of recipes and resources below, it’s growing faster than asparagus in Summer!

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Recipe Database

A collection of recipes that are packed full of vegetables. Tip: browse by vegetable type.

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Tools & Tips

Everything you need to help add more vegetables to the school canteen menus.

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Promotion & Marketing

Ways to attract students to the canteen and sell more vegetable-packed menu items.

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This project is led by the Canteen Consortium, consisting of canteen associations and organisations in NSW, WA, TAS, QLD and the ACT. Together we have over 120 years of experience in supporting canteens and tuckshops.


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