Buying, storing, and using vegetables is easy, right!
Buying, storing and using vegetables is easy right! Well it can be with a few simple tips. The resources, tools and fact sheets here will help you reduce wastage and provide great tasting vegie packed items to the school community.
One third of the waste in bins comes from food. This can be split into two parts, the inedible portion like eggshells, and the edible portion that is discarded due to over preparing or purchasing or not storing properly.
These factsheets will share tips about how to store and prepare vegetables to reduce wastage in the canteen. There are tricks to help you use all parts of vegetables and ways to keep them fresh, tasty and nutritious.
Think of vegetables as having their own personalities, some work well together while others are best kept apart. It’s important to know what these relationships are so your vegetables can either ripen faster or be kept for as long as possible, see the Storing Vegetables fact sheet to learn all about this.
The wastage fact sheets will shed new light on how all parts of the vegetable can be used.
Buying vegetables in season has so many advantages; items are at their peak nutritionally; they are often lower in price; and will also keep for longer. Use the resources and links below to see what is in season in your location.
We know that the cost of vegetables can sometimes be a reason to not buy more of them, so check out our tips below about how to reduce those grocery bills and use vegetables to actually increase your canteen profits!
Recipe Database
A collection of recipes that are packed full of veg. Tip: browse by vegetable type.
Learn MoreTools & Tips
Everything you need to help add more vegetables to the school canteen menus.
Learn MorePromotion & Marketing
Ways to attract students to the canteen and sell more vegetable-packed menu items.
Learn More